Kevin’s recording studio takes up most of the space in the basement but a small room for the freezer, a sink and some shelves provide me with a bit of a cold storage for veggies. The room has a window I open on warmer days to try and get the temperature close to 4˚C. Because the cold storage is only indirectly heated, I also have an insulated insert for the window for the really, really cold days, otherwise the potatoes may get too cold.
In the fall, I realized I would have too many carrots for the fridge and I was too busy to process and freeze them. The recommended way to store carrots is in damp sand; I did not have any clean sand around, so I decided to risk it and layer the carrots in plastic buckets with loose, fairly dry soil from the garden. I topped off each bucket with a few scrunched up sheets of newspaper to maintain some moisture.
I have to admit, some of the very small carrots shriveled up and most of them have started to sprout. The occasional carrot has a soft, rotted spot and some of them taste a bit odd. However, the majority are still crunchy and tasty. Not bad for January!