Two easy permaculture principles to try out in an urban yard are to “catch and store energy and materials” and to “use biological and renewable resources”. This year I decided to put my red wrigglers to work in the garden. I found a used plant pot and drilled some holes around the sides, then sunk it into a raised bed between a zucchini and tomato plant. Next I put in some leaves and kitchen scraps – bedding and food for my worms. I placed a handful of worms from my indoor worm bin inside the new home and covered them with more leaves. Finally, I covered the “worm home” with a piece of tree stump to create a roof. Voilà! I now have a fertilizer generator and kitchen waste processing plant right next to nutrient hungry plants.
AuthorClaudia is exploring and sharing permaculture ideas in Edmonton. Categories
March 2022
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