This year I added a Mojito mint to the pot. With all the rain we had, it suffered from powdery mildew. In late summer, I chopped it all down and it recovered nicely, giving me another small crop of mint in fall.
At the end of the season I like to dig this pot into an empty raised bed. This way the plant will overwinter and start growing again once I pull it out and clean off the container.
To overwinter the pot, I dig a hole deep enough that I can sink the entire pot into the soil, then back fill and cover with soil. I add a layer of leaves or straw and mark the spot with a stick.
Last year, ants invaded this pot, so I pulled out the plant and repotted it with some fresh potting mix and compost. Then I kept it on our deck and the ants left it alone.
I have overwintered other perennial plants in this way, including a shrub I purchased on sale in the fall. I never had time to decide where to plant it - it survived well in the container in the ground and got a permanent home in spring.